Thursday, July 28

Dear Roads take me home..

It's a lonely path I walk upon,
Don't ask me where to
or where from;

I don't know my destination,
I don't know my base,
I don't know my path
I know it wasn't so silent before

Some walked alongside a while,
Some walked a full mile
Some talked about the distance..

The day walked by me my shadow,
Passing us were men and women
some with words, some only smiles
I wasn't alone...

When night falls
its stillness whispers to me,
That I was alone,
for all who walked and talked
reached there spaces and places,
and the ghosts of reality lurked behind
and crept on me,
that even my shadow left me in a bind

I thought of God,
and I thought and his men
I thought of life,
And I thought some more then..

Was my journey a sham or lie
Or an intoxicated figment
or a sensitized cry...

I could never know
For whenever reality hit
He brought a new day
A new shadow
A new new drifter,
and the night lurked at bay...

It's a lonely path I walk upon,
Don't ask me where to
or where from;


Voice said...

Glad you are back.

We all are alone in this journey called life. No one will be there with us forever.... or may b this blog will give you company :)

So keep it alive

Deepshikha said...


You need to be back too, we're missing u on blog :)

Sometimes it not about being alone, it's about some people who are so important one day, and are gone the next...

Will try to..

Unknown said...

This is my Good luck that I found your post which is according to my search and topic, I think you are a great blogger, thanks for helping me out from my problem..
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