Sunday, April 22

Devilsh Listener

My bestest story!!! it is a story no real life incidents...

A new story... was planning to write one long back, but pressing requirements to prove myself saner stalled it ... now am back as me again ( in short serious, psycho and multi-faceted)...

Nicholas aka Nick the epitome of understanding... He was probably a very understanding person, because he thought before he did, he imagined himself in others place and then acted. He was caring, full of life, vibrant, exuberant, innocent, an amazing listener, who could also read minds. But as a normal human he was fallible as the next man. He was mistrusting, impatient, short tempered, a little insecure. He wasn't confident about himself, and thought he had no importance in anyone's lives. The kind of person whom you would not like to anger. Coz' he had a bad bad temper. He did not forgive or forget easily. Which I think was his strength. He had a razor sharp memory edged to perfection. He was a person who exuded confidence, the very presence of this person made things easier. A person always on his toes to find a solution. He was a best friend, and the worst foe you could find. Best friend we already understand why, Foe well we guessed it probably, cause when a person never forgives or forgets and has a temper and an ego things are better left unsaid...
So the character sketch has been drawn and you could now dig deeper into his life...

Once upon a time ( nah this not a fairy tale, it never is with nick around ) there were two close friends Nick and Adonis. Nick we have already met, and Adonis well he was Nicks close friend. A very decent guy, charming personality, right contacts right grooming...ah! the gentleman.... But hold your horses he wasnt that perfect.... When you'd get to know Adonis you'd realize how lonely he was, and he was easily crushable...the person was like a fresh flower fragile, very trusting, easily worried but with the strength of a mountain, he was rock solid but he needed support and encouragement from time to time. When hurt or upset the first thing he does is turn his back on people close to him, coz' then he looses confidence or trust in that relationship, or maybe he doesn't want to sound 'weak'. He hasnt had easy relationships agreed, also the fact that relations which build confidence deserted him, but he was lucky enough to have pillars of supports as friends like Nick behind him, but Adonis lost his trust he spurned all the comfort of them. Maybe this happened because of the fact that Nick preached a lot to Adonis sometime's repeating himself even though he knew Adonis wanted to avoid it, but things in life couldnot be avoided... There are things which need to be faced. Not everything which is faced could be solved, but nothing could be solved till it is faced. So Adonis started shying away from Nick.
He knew that yet again if he needed Nick would be there.

But Nick who had never showed his shortcomings to Adonis and had bared all this always, this time was enraged. He thought that Adonis was being childish and even though he could not completely blame him, Nick was hurt. He went to meet Adonis called him, but nothing worked. So Nick got really angry, and with his dented ego he decided to break free... No more worrying no more tensing up... He'd be there when Adonis called and would listen but no advice or anything... Nick wouldnot go and meet him or call. And Nick truly implemented that...

Whereas Nick cooled down easily, once Adonis called Nick returned to normal forgetting any thing that happened as a distant memory, what was it about Adonis that made Nick forget his ownself and beliefs he didn't know, but he felt thoroughly protective of Adonis. Nick was the first person Adonis would call in a problem, get angry upon hang up, and call again to discuss the solution received or done. But there was a twist in the tale like all fairy tales...

Whereas Nick supported Adonis throughout Adonis though had tall claims of understanding Nick he never did. He never realised Nick was insecure, didn''t think himself capable of friends, had no close friends, was over sensitive. Was very vulnerable and now very pricky to criticism which adversely affected Nick now, which he didnt bother earlier. From being a supremely confident male to a vulnerable man who started living a dual life. One in front of the people, and one the real him. It started killing Nick's spirits, it made him a recluse, a person who didnt even trust his own decisions now. He stopped giving his opinions, stopped discussing things. Because whenever he wanted or needed to talk he had himself for company.
Adonis used to say when you want to check how rich you are drop a tear and see how many hands reach to wipe it, you would have got your wealth. Nick had none. So Nick moved on in life with a fierce determination not to give up, not to loose, cause life doesnot stop at one hurdle, it slows u down to give you the momentum.

But all said and done

Adonis never felt the difference......

Friday, April 13

Those were not the best days of my life

it was the summer of 2006...
Well ok, I nearly ruined the Bryan Adams' song with the lack of rhyme, but thats how I'd sum up my one (ok nearly one year ) at this place i'll not name...

I am not a person of first impressions, of impulsive behavior. but somehow for God knows what reason that place appalled me. It wasnt the structure (or the lack of it) nor wasit my first impression, it was just my gut.

But the ignorant person I am to my gut, i still enrolled in that place. Little did I know that this place would be the most amusing, the most irritating and agonising place I'd spend my time....

This place was an oxymoron. The people here i mean. They can be sweet and good but are also downright shallow, irritating and nerve wracking.

The first thing about them that ticked me off was their mental level ( or should i say the lack of it). They were too immature or shallow for their age. Fine I'd agree that I was too serious and have a bad sense of humor but come on yaar, I mean they were too much...
They had an opinion about everything. They would comment on people's clothes, their dressing style, their attitude, their love life (or lack of it), their educational background etc etc... For them they are superior and the rest were , well not worth mentioning. I mean I definitely agree this the standard people you would encounter every day in your walk of life. This person is your neighbor, your friend, your relative anyone, but these people were to the extremes.

The next thing was gossip and creating rumors. It was so easy for them to create gossip, malign someones name, without realizing that gossip was like butter once spread cannot be unspread. When it falls it falls on the buttered side only. To those who do it , it is a momentary time pass, for those at the receiving end it may cause sleepless nights ahead, so why indulge in it?

the next was their policy of ruining someones career, how ? simple by copying their work passing it as theirs and the rest is what all of us already know...

But you know what the final straw is? How they broke peoples confidence in themselves and trust in other people, by using them when required and then acting as a stranger when done..

Its nothing extra ordinary, what you find in the daily walk of your life. You could say 'hey I go through the same, but do I hate it, No, so why do you.? ' but then thats not me, I cannot function in such an enviornment where all these catalysts act together.

Hence I hate it! :D

ok another serious blog... sorry I cant change :)