Friday, April 13

Those were not the best days of my life

it was the summer of 2006...
Well ok, I nearly ruined the Bryan Adams' song with the lack of rhyme, but thats how I'd sum up my one (ok nearly one year ) at this place i'll not name...

I am not a person of first impressions, of impulsive behavior. but somehow for God knows what reason that place appalled me. It wasnt the structure (or the lack of it) nor wasit my first impression, it was just my gut.

But the ignorant person I am to my gut, i still enrolled in that place. Little did I know that this place would be the most amusing, the most irritating and agonising place I'd spend my time....

This place was an oxymoron. The people here i mean. They can be sweet and good but are also downright shallow, irritating and nerve wracking.

The first thing about them that ticked me off was their mental level ( or should i say the lack of it). They were too immature or shallow for their age. Fine I'd agree that I was too serious and have a bad sense of humor but come on yaar, I mean they were too much...
They had an opinion about everything. They would comment on people's clothes, their dressing style, their attitude, their love life (or lack of it), their educational background etc etc... For them they are superior and the rest were , well not worth mentioning. I mean I definitely agree this the standard people you would encounter every day in your walk of life. This person is your neighbor, your friend, your relative anyone, but these people were to the extremes.

The next thing was gossip and creating rumors. It was so easy for them to create gossip, malign someones name, without realizing that gossip was like butter once spread cannot be unspread. When it falls it falls on the buttered side only. To those who do it , it is a momentary time pass, for those at the receiving end it may cause sleepless nights ahead, so why indulge in it?

the next was their policy of ruining someones career, how ? simple by copying their work passing it as theirs and the rest is what all of us already know...

But you know what the final straw is? How they broke peoples confidence in themselves and trust in other people, by using them when required and then acting as a stranger when done..

Its nothing extra ordinary, what you find in the daily walk of your life. You could say 'hey I go through the same, but do I hate it, No, so why do you.? ' but then thats not me, I cannot function in such an enviornment where all these catalysts act together.

Hence I hate it! :D

ok another serious blog... sorry I cant change :)


Anonymous said...

u will find such people in all walks of life..
dont get upset by such behaviours. just be cautious not to fall in any trap and enjoy ur coll life...

Anonymous said...

1. abhishek is right, will get such people everywhere
2. try to change them
3. opposite shud not happen [they change u]
4. dont confirm their rumours with ur anger

Deepshikha said...

hai voice...
hello ur frnd already has an inflated ego dat he is right dont support him :D sorry kidding...

Thanks I'd try and follow u ppls advice the best i can... thanks for advising