Saturday, February 24

Cab (it)

Have you ever thought why simply why there are so many cars in the city?? Oh no its not because there are so many rich people, or high disposable income... nah none of the economic causal relationships... Nope its neither the social causes like status symbol or show... Its not even exactly convenience of movement... It is convenience definitely I agree, but convenience of your health wealth and savior from harassment and embarrassment not to forget also psychological torture... You think am getting off track? What is the connection between cars and all that I said? Then my friend you haven't used the Calcutta's (oops now Kolkata) public transport yet...

Look before I start I know most of my friends and people use the public transport... I am also well versed with the fat that when need arises I also use it... I am not cribbing on the use of public transport...Just the people behind it...

I generally have my car wherever I go or whenever I want, only on very rare occasions and in the past month when my driver wasn't there (and no I can't drive) I depended a lot on the public transport... Cause I had my semester exams and I couldn't afford to miss them...

So in the morning on my way to college I would take a cab ( okay okay fine taxi...) to college... I would leave around 10.30 a.m. Believe me I had always heard about cab drivers, never had any first hand experiences... Mine are not melodramatic or things stories are made of...they are plain irritating and uncomfortable
Some of my cab experiences are:

1# One fine morning I take this cab from home to my college... I explain the driver minto park and sit down... This cabbie has louder than loud music blaring on his radio. My request to him to turn down the music led to the volume being lowered by a notch... This driver was singing on the top of his lungs...Then all of a sudden he gets down at a crossing and starts talking to another cab driver and I am calling him to start driving as the lights changed and I had to reach college... Finally when I threatened to change cabs did he turn up...

2# This has to be by far the most common experience for everyone... I was told the cab fares are like triple the new meter and nearly four times the old meter... So I like a good gal on reaching the place asked the cabbie my fare... he very well told me an astronomical amount... and on telling him the correct amount he tells me that He misread the chart/ guise or whatever that thing is which they refer to...

3# This is my most gruesome experience after which i swore of cabs... This morning when I have my final paper due, I take this cab from home to my college... This cab driver takes this god knows what route driving me half the way out of the way... My constant mentions about the wrong route and for him to change routes fall to nearly deaf ears... Then once back on track this cabbie bangs the cab once, then after a shortwhile again... and all this time he was driving god so rashly... I cant even explain... Things seem so rational now that its a while since then...but was things bad that day :)... so i get down two and a half kilometers ( or maybe even more) distance away from college and walk down till that place... and the journey back home was even more funny cause i walked a little and then took a metro!!! (ok ok enough for this post...that experience next time)... well my close friend and my family members were wanting to kill me that day when I told them after everything was over!!!

Believe me after that day I havent sat down in a cab even with friends... I know the day may not be far when I may need it again and I'd manage but the point is this is exactly why there are so many cars in the city....

Wednesday, February 21

The silent Spectator part 2

Hai…this may seem as sequel to my silent spectator… It actually is …

So there was San trying to come to terms with it…He was sure of his role in life now… Though he was certain people wouldn’t miss his presence, he consoled himself thinking at least he was their friend, philosopher, guide… He could solve their problems when they arrived; he could listen to them, guide them. But slowly and one day very shockingly for him, San realized he was dispensable in everyone’s life… They all called and spoke about their problems, listened to what he wanted to say, but eventually did what they want… Most of the times they did what he said, but put that advice on some one else’s name. No one ever referred to San as his friend. Friends from long on, felt hesitant to talk about San to other new friends, new friends didn’t bother remembering San in other people’s company… When San would talk to people, people would go on talking and then leave. Sans contribution to the so-called ‘dialogue’ would be “Hi, how are you”…or “what’s wrong?”… “Ok”…and then the advice. But very strangely everyone never bothered to find out what was up with San.

San took to this bad. He blamed himself and his being a person to the fault… And he was then abused of trying to act like God!! He was accused of acting as if he was the knight in shining Armour, he was the good man and the rest evil, he was hurt badly. Insulted big time. Even when he hurt people on purpose to make them come to terms with reality, or to make them see the other side of the coin, people remembered that hurt, not the good that it did to them. People remembered if San called them a weak person, or told them to something rudely. If ever San would tell them something bad or hurt them it was not acceptable… Every time they spoke next, people would remind him that, taunt him, hurt him… But the hurt given to San was all forgotten… it was a classic case of like “ when did I hurt you? I don’t remember.. If I did it would not be on purpose…what did I tell you? Tell me…nothing to say… stop putting your faults as mine…” It hurt him big time… He was crestfallen…he felt cheated with life with his niceness… he felt what is the use of trying to be good or yourself when that becomes a quality against you… He flew to that human girls window… Sitting there he heard her saying to a friend… “You remember Mother Teresa? The selfless lady who gave up her life for other people, didn’t care about herself her respect for the welfare of other people… Well people now want to emulate her, be like her…they pretend to be her…” and the sparrow was even more killed… he was shocked to hear that the kind of things told to him made him sound like a Mother Teresa whom the humans respected so much… He was so insulted and hurt that he built a new nest for him and cried. He cried like he’d never stop… he wanted to change himself to the world…to wise up to the hardships of the world…to give people a dose of their medicine… to tell all those people who accused him of being good that he would change, he would now not care, not listen not hurt…

He flew out on the new dawn to carry out his new mission, only to fail miserably… He could not hurt people; he could not be rude to them… He went back to the same people to be hurt again. Some people started a new beginning vowing not to remember the past, some weren’t affected, new ties were made and some old severed… But what didn’t change was the hurt…people still hurt and will hurt…but when San made relations, he made them for life… and he was quite close to a few of them…he was worried about them… So he decided never to rake up the past cause that would always hurt…to look into the future…

Monday, February 19

The silent Spectator

The Silent Spectator…

This story is special to me…Its special coz' its one of my original stories now made a post.. This is a tale of a sparrow… read on and you’ll agree that this story is just so sweet about a little sparrow and his tryst with life and self-revelations…Its touching but really sweet

San was a little sparrow youngest one to the rich family of four… with mamma sparrow, papa sparrow and brother sparrow…The little sparrow was the apple of everyone’s eye…It though was little but was very smart… It went to the ‘Sparrows International School’…the sparrow made loads of friends… He was very popular amongst them… Always there whenever someone called to him, willingly and happily he helped him or her out… He took blames for the other sparrows whenever they broke windows or nibbled at wires, he took their blame whenever the mother sparrows found two sparrows beaks hurt… he was a friends friend… He would listen to all the sparrow’s squawks.. He even listened to stranger sparrows squawks… This was because he always thought that one day when he would need the other sparrows’ to hear his squawks they would be there… He was selfish. He wanted to make friends for life… Wanted to have someone whom he could fly high in the air with… Someone with whom he could chase other sparrows’, people with whom he could criticize other birds and humans…When time came for him to tap his ‘I owe you` s’ from his other friends he realized he was alone… All his friends had either thought him to be a looser or made their distance slowly and steadily without even hinting… He faced the reality and became stronger… He decided that he was to fight his stance alone. Loads of problems came into the life of that little sparrow, he bore them all with a smile. He did not once complain why me? Or say why am I alone? He just smiled through it…

The little sparrow became the strength of his family. He took care of their every little need. He even gathered sticks to save their house. He used to flap his wings and make silly noises, mock other birds and humans just to make them smile… He always made the members discuss their sorrows with him. He let them squawk out at him when they were in pain on rage… He listened and listened… And gradually people became dependent on him…so dependent that now any problem caused would be because of the sparrow. Every one would do away with their guilty conscience by putting the blame on the San. Never was San praised, he was always told of his shortcomings, always blamed for things. Only in highly emotional times did mamma sparrow say a few words of gratitude for san…

Times now came that San thought whatever he did was for show; he did everything to gain attention and appreciation. Maybe or maybe not no one knows… But one thing became certain was that the sparrow stopped trusting people. He stopped trying to talk to people about himself. He just smiled and listened. Every time he wanted to cry he would cover his eyes with his wings and start flying high and higher in the sky. No one understood him and was he lonely or not… Everytime some one would call him with his problems he’d sit down and worry about the other person… Once he heard a human saying, “if others are not concerned about me, why shall I be about them? I will not care about them”. But the poor sparrow thought how wrong that human was. If others didn’t care about you it didn’t mean you stop caring about them, because the sparrow knew how horrible it was when no one was bothered about you or worried about you. So the sparrow made a resolution that whatever maybe the situation, he’d always be there for his friends. He’d never let them feel lonely.

Then came a nice little sparrow in his life. She made San want to trust people and San actually started loving and trusting people again. He shared his problems and worries with her. But as time progressed he realized he was adding to her worries… He felt that she was now becoming a little uncomfortable with his problems so San decided to play it safe and never share himself again… San also had another very good friend whom he trusted, he even shared himself, but with time he realized he wasn’t anyones priority. No one considered him important in their lives. They all preferred to talk about themselves. No one ever asked San whats wrong why are you upset? No one ever bugged San till he wanted to share…

So an upset San went back to the human girls window… He heard her listening to the a song with lyrics which said, “ All I ever asked was a shoulder to cry, all I ever wanted was a heart to smile, all I ever wanted was to be weak, all I ever wanted was to be with someone who’d worry about me…”. The sparrow realized he was crying…how true the words of wisdom were… How much the sparrow wanted it… He sat there thinking for hours, he thought how little importance was he for others… If he subtracted himself from anyone else’s life there wouldn’t be a change… If one day he would die no one would miss him. With this realization he started flying higher in the sky and decided to live for himself. He decided to cry alone and pray for that someone who’d fly beside him while he’d cry…. Who would offer him its shoulder to cry…

Wednesday, February 14

My definition of LOVE

Find arms that will hold you at your weakest... Find eyes that will see you at your ugliest Find a heart that loves you at your worst... It is then when you find true Love Love isn't it a very subjective term? For you love is a sweet emotion, it is a driving force, it is when you meet someone and decide that yes this is the person you can spend your life with... But have you ever thought that you could spend your life with your best friend because that person understands you, cares for you, knows your want and desires... Can’t you? Won’t it be the same thing if you think love to be caring, understanding, knowing you… You can spend your entire life with anyone you are comfortable with, you accept that person as a part of your life, so what exactly is love then? Is it a mere feeling or another term for close friendship companionship? We often hear “ I love you’ ‘I can’t live without you’ but for some reason the relation with that person may not work out. The following time period skipped, one finds another person and the story repeats itself… I want to ask something, till yesterday you couldn’t live without that person, life was unthinkable, only that person completed you, then how could you fall in ‘love’ again? Does love change hands? Is the feeling reversible? You start hating or despising the person you once loved all that goes up in smoke, just like that? No what you call is not love it is companionship… You act as a companion best friends… You need each other to combat loneliness, but there is no such thing as love… Why let someone come so close to u that that person can hurt u? y get in a meaningless relation