Saturday, February 24

Cab (it)

Have you ever thought why simply why there are so many cars in the city?? Oh no its not because there are so many rich people, or high disposable income... nah none of the economic causal relationships... Nope its neither the social causes like status symbol or show... Its not even exactly convenience of movement... It is convenience definitely I agree, but convenience of your health wealth and savior from harassment and embarrassment not to forget also psychological torture... You think am getting off track? What is the connection between cars and all that I said? Then my friend you haven't used the Calcutta's (oops now Kolkata) public transport yet...

Look before I start I know most of my friends and people use the public transport... I am also well versed with the fat that when need arises I also use it... I am not cribbing on the use of public transport...Just the people behind it...

I generally have my car wherever I go or whenever I want, only on very rare occasions and in the past month when my driver wasn't there (and no I can't drive) I depended a lot on the public transport... Cause I had my semester exams and I couldn't afford to miss them...

So in the morning on my way to college I would take a cab ( okay okay fine taxi...) to college... I would leave around 10.30 a.m. Believe me I had always heard about cab drivers, never had any first hand experiences... Mine are not melodramatic or things stories are made of...they are plain irritating and uncomfortable
Some of my cab experiences are:

1# One fine morning I take this cab from home to my college... I explain the driver minto park and sit down... This cabbie has louder than loud music blaring on his radio. My request to him to turn down the music led to the volume being lowered by a notch... This driver was singing on the top of his lungs...Then all of a sudden he gets down at a crossing and starts talking to another cab driver and I am calling him to start driving as the lights changed and I had to reach college... Finally when I threatened to change cabs did he turn up...

2# This has to be by far the most common experience for everyone... I was told the cab fares are like triple the new meter and nearly four times the old meter... So I like a good gal on reaching the place asked the cabbie my fare... he very well told me an astronomical amount... and on telling him the correct amount he tells me that He misread the chart/ guise or whatever that thing is which they refer to...

3# This is my most gruesome experience after which i swore of cabs... This morning when I have my final paper due, I take this cab from home to my college... This cab driver takes this god knows what route driving me half the way out of the way... My constant mentions about the wrong route and for him to change routes fall to nearly deaf ears... Then once back on track this cabbie bangs the cab once, then after a shortwhile again... and all this time he was driving god so rashly... I cant even explain... Things seem so rational now that its a while since then...but was things bad that day :)... so i get down two and a half kilometers ( or maybe even more) distance away from college and walk down till that place... and the journey back home was even more funny cause i walked a little and then took a metro!!! (ok ok enough for this post...that experience next time)... well my close friend and my family members were wanting to kill me that day when I told them after everything was over!!!

Believe me after that day I havent sat down in a cab even with friends... I know the day may not be far when I may need it again and I'd manage but the point is this is exactly why there are so many cars in the city....


Anonymous said...

Sily. If this story is true, mind u, i will kill u if u ever do tht again.

abhishek said...

i think you hav presented very rosy picture of the situation.. i think its much worse.
for smone who dont have personal conveyance like me its simply horrible. once i had to reach office quickly and i took cab(i was very new to calcutta at tht time probably 10-15 days).. the cab took me ard the whole of calcutta and then to my office and charged as usual astronomical amt.