Wednesday, February 21

The silent Spectator part 2

Hai…this may seem as sequel to my silent spectator… It actually is …

So there was San trying to come to terms with it…He was sure of his role in life now… Though he was certain people wouldn’t miss his presence, he consoled himself thinking at least he was their friend, philosopher, guide… He could solve their problems when they arrived; he could listen to them, guide them. But slowly and one day very shockingly for him, San realized he was dispensable in everyone’s life… They all called and spoke about their problems, listened to what he wanted to say, but eventually did what they want… Most of the times they did what he said, but put that advice on some one else’s name. No one ever referred to San as his friend. Friends from long on, felt hesitant to talk about San to other new friends, new friends didn’t bother remembering San in other people’s company… When San would talk to people, people would go on talking and then leave. Sans contribution to the so-called ‘dialogue’ would be “Hi, how are you”…or “what’s wrong?”… “Ok”…and then the advice. But very strangely everyone never bothered to find out what was up with San.

San took to this bad. He blamed himself and his being a person to the fault… And he was then abused of trying to act like God!! He was accused of acting as if he was the knight in shining Armour, he was the good man and the rest evil, he was hurt badly. Insulted big time. Even when he hurt people on purpose to make them come to terms with reality, or to make them see the other side of the coin, people remembered that hurt, not the good that it did to them. People remembered if San called them a weak person, or told them to something rudely. If ever San would tell them something bad or hurt them it was not acceptable… Every time they spoke next, people would remind him that, taunt him, hurt him… But the hurt given to San was all forgotten… it was a classic case of like “ when did I hurt you? I don’t remember.. If I did it would not be on purpose…what did I tell you? Tell me…nothing to say… stop putting your faults as mine…” It hurt him big time… He was crestfallen…he felt cheated with life with his niceness… he felt what is the use of trying to be good or yourself when that becomes a quality against you… He flew to that human girls window… Sitting there he heard her saying to a friend… “You remember Mother Teresa? The selfless lady who gave up her life for other people, didn’t care about herself her respect for the welfare of other people… Well people now want to emulate her, be like her…they pretend to be her…” and the sparrow was even more killed… he was shocked to hear that the kind of things told to him made him sound like a Mother Teresa whom the humans respected so much… He was so insulted and hurt that he built a new nest for him and cried. He cried like he’d never stop… he wanted to change himself to the world…to wise up to the hardships of the world…to give people a dose of their medicine… to tell all those people who accused him of being good that he would change, he would now not care, not listen not hurt…

He flew out on the new dawn to carry out his new mission, only to fail miserably… He could not hurt people; he could not be rude to them… He went back to the same people to be hurt again. Some people started a new beginning vowing not to remember the past, some weren’t affected, new ties were made and some old severed… But what didn’t change was the hurt…people still hurt and will hurt…but when San made relations, he made them for life… and he was quite close to a few of them…he was worried about them… So he decided never to rake up the past cause that would always hurt…to look into the future…


abhishek said...

Nice emotional story but one thing tht i m not able to understand is y the protagonist of ur story always turns out to be a loser!!!
Win and loss r parts of life. smtimes u feel happy smtimes sad..
we sud learn frm our mistakes and sud move ahead.

Rohit Sharma said...

I went through all of your posts and I liked them. To me San seems to be a manifestation of your own self.
Also it seems you believe that one should stop expecting from others.Since once you expect from others,and your expectations are not fulfilled,it really hurts.

Deepshikha said...

San's not Deepshikha...San is too sweet to nice to soft to be me... but yes i do believe expectations hurt...they dampen a relation, break trust and hurt... so why knowingly hurt yourself? don't u think so?

Rohit Sharma said...

There are two choices...On one hand you make expectations...sometimes they are not you get hurt..Other times you do feel happy when those are completed....
On the other hand not making expectations will deprive you of both the feelings and probably deprive you of some excitement in life also....
In the end,you need to lose something in order to gain something.Nothing comes
for free.

Deepshikha said...

nothing comes for free... i agree definitely but it hurts when expectations break...and for some excitement in life how much pain does the word expectation bring? so i avoid expectations at all cost :D

Anonymous said...
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Rohit Sharma said...

Let me put a question to you.
" How come you were able to measure
the difference in pain and excitement?"
Think before answering the question.

Deepshikha said...

could u pls explain ur question, am sorry i didnt understand...or did i understand it right :D

Rohit Sharma said...

My point is that when you say you suffered
more pain than excitement,How did you arrived at the conclusion that the amount of pain was more?

Deepshikha said...

so i had guessed it right :D...well okay i admit i wasn't completely correct by saying pain was more than excitement...i donot have the instruments to measure them, but it was like the excitement of the expectation to be fulfilled was overshadowed by miles from the hurt received... u tell me, with kind of things san faced would u expect? no I wouldnt...and it got manifested in my post...

Rohit Sharma said...

First a question, Is San a figment of your imagination or a real person?
In case a person like San exists and goes
thru situations like mentioned by you definitely there is no point of expecting anything... But in case San is a figment of yours imagination, I think you have taken your imagination a bit far. It is difficult to believe that with so many people you meet in life, a person is not finding even a single shoulder to cry. Or may be I am lucky in my life upto this point of time. At times I have felt lonely but I have also found a place where I can unwind myself.
What's your take on that?

Anonymous said...

yep i somhow felt the everyone in their life goes thr this phase atleast for som period

imean evrybody wud in san shoes
i felt so cause relate few things tht i encountered to wht san did

mmm nice one da i feel its not fiction but somwht reality

Rohit Sharma said...

It's unfortunate that San has not met a true friend. But its not that some person has to bear the whole blame for the situation. Given the thought process of San, it is very likely that she may not find many persons in this world who buy her thoughts. But I should say that
people are there.
I believe that both sides are responsible for a situation. Somewhere I feel that San also made few mistakes. She did not make a mistake by doing so much in her life but made some
mistakes by holding herself somewhere. By holding herself I mean that when she felt she is being burden on somebody(The little Sparrow) she went back on herself. Did she try to ask
the little Sparrow about her(little sparrow's) feelings or She felt by herself that she is being burden on the other person and hence will not go ahead? Whereas it is possible that no such burden exists from the little sparrow's side.
One explanation can be that she in her
initial relationships faced bad things and felt herself responsible for them. This thought process made her hold herself back in subsequent relationships.And that might be one of the reason of losing out on friends.
The same thing might have made her accept situations as they come her way.
As far as finding comfort in others, I would like to know why it seem strange to you? Everybody needs a vent to relieve himself.I agree that the vent need not be a person everytime.
It might be some activity,it might be himself also. Its just a matter of finding the vent.

Deepshikha said...

U know u made me see what i didnt earlier, that San is as fallible as the next person.. San made the mistake of thinking himself to be a walkover, he thought that it wd always be he who wd get hurt... But what he didnt realize was u get hurt when u want to get hurt or u r open to get hurt, neither everyone u walk across in life wants to hurt u... secondly san wasnt the best...even san had his faults, reserved, arrongant a person who was so used to be being right and good that he failed to realise others people's fragile self respect and maybe the fact that he always understood them so well and troubleshooted that he didnt realise people wanted at times companionship not troubleshooting :D...Though he wasnt entirely at fault he has had setbacks and everything and as u said with so much setbacks that person stopped trusting and accept life as it came...
Activities and people are two different things, u vent out on activities not with people...
But honestly i dont know u may find it funny but thanks, for showing me the other side of the coin :D