Monday, September 17

Careless Smiles

A rocking party, at the happening disc...minimal conversation...great crowd...too much of kissing, no smile

A silent poolside party...mature conversation...mind-to-mind bonding...talking and drinking...who knows to smile?

A page3 party...with ah-u-have-lost-weight conversation...wallet-to-wallet bonding...boozing and my smile right?

A kid's birthday bash...with innocent conversation...heart to heart bonding...playing and sharing.....those careless smiles...

I have so often and not been accused of leaving a grown up conversation, a party, a so-called intense discussion to join the kid bandwagon... When Deepshikha is missing, people know where to find her... It's where you'd have the kids...I don't even know who's kid or what...just an honest innocent kid...

Come on, you ask me, how could I prefer an adult company to a kid's?... sometimes its understandable but at every slight pretext? I could leave discussions, marriage ceremonies of my close relatives, the so-called fast lifestyle...the fun, running against time...wanting o outdo others... the saccharine coated smiles...the glass eyes...the cold heart...the meaningless-feeling less words... the double edged swords...race to prove us the best, while climbing on the self esteem of others...

Hey don't complain that this is not what we do...Don't we all do that? Sarcasm is our Armour...Diplomacy our honed skills...practiced measured smiles our heritage...trying to prove our self worth our ambition... Proving ourselves to be the master of all, jack of none our passion...

I am not saying, " oh! am so great..I don't indulge in it..." of course I do...To an equal extent as u do...but by running away to these children, I try to nullify the changes of the society on become more human..

The most precious thing to a child is his new toy, you give it to him, he rushes to show his best friend...if his best friend doesn't have it, chances are that either the toy goes to the friend, or they share.. Even if the child feels pompous about the other not having it, in most cases the child will make sure the other person is not hurt... A child is the most sensitive to other child's hurt...

You give a kid a chocolate and he'd make sure every single person in that room has been offered that chocolate, makes sure most have it...If he doesn't share he's brave enough to admit that he can't part with his favourite stuff...

You fall down, even if the others don't rush to you, the child will be the first to ask in his so-cute voice, are you ok? and be the only person to offer to hit the ground, in-case you hurt...

A child will mean it when he says come over to my place, I wont let you go... He'll truly wish you a goodbye and will hope to see you again... If he doesn't like you will say it on your face... If he wants something in return of his deeds, will let you know...

But all this apart what is special to them is that careless smiles... they don't think before smiling for whom or what...they don't care if you return their smile or not...they don't care whether you work for this firm, or own that firm..They don't care if they are smiling in a condolence... They cry when they want, they love unconditionally and love with no holds barred...

Their smiles is untouched by society...their love for their mom genuine, their idolising their dad true, and thier innocent smiles an analgesic....

So to turn back the clock of my growing up, I find solace in children...Lay all accusal's on my door...

GUILTY as charged


Rohit Sharma said...

Nice post..And a pretty interesting one. Interesting because it provides a different perspective regarding kids.Never thought about this one...
Take any marriage or function in a family...Who enjoys the most? Kids..
The reason might be what you wrote..
As elders we might be weighed down by all expectations, egos, pretentiousness, mores etc. but as you said Kids are free from those. They will play, fight, cry and again start playing...
In fact by what you said kids can be a good source of learning for us on how to live life...

Keep writing.....

Anonymous said...

so simple and so true..

Anonymous said...

>>Sarcasm is our Armour...

true for me. I felt whenever i let it down people just rush with swords in their hands. It is better to show them i have one too and i can use it well.. becoz i take care whether my swings are hurting them or not about which very frequently they dont..


Deepshikha said...

Rohit: yeah...and its strange that we are supposed to be examples for kids, but we ourselves dont know what we potraying to on the contrary we can learn so much from them...

Abi: ur comment was not so simple and true Mr.Diplomat

Voice: hi how are u? but how come acc to abi u r one of the nicest guy around then ;)...seriously thanks for commenting..

Anonymous said...

Diplomat :(